dog under the weather.

You would know if your best furry friend was sick… wouldn’t you? While we would all like to think that we know exactly how to tell if Fido isn’t feeling well, the reality is that sometimes recognizing sickness in dogs isn’t as straightforward as we would like to think. Coal Creek Animal Hospital is here to help you fill in the gaps, though, when it comes to telling if your dog is sick. 

Signs Your Pet is Sick

Sometimes a sick pet will have obvious symptoms. Repeated vomiting or diarrhea, lethargy, or refusal to eat can be surefire indications that something isn’t right. 

Animals, however, are known for their self-preservation instincts, which often include masking signs of illness, injury, and disease until things progress to a critical place. 

As pet owners, recognizing more subtle signs of illness can be invaluable to catching problems early and acting quickly.

Some less-than-obvious ways to help in recognizing sickness in dogs include:

  • Noting changes in eating habits and food preferences
  • Paying attention to deviations in bathroom habits
  • Catching behavior quirks such as hiding or sleeping more
  • Noticing new discharge from eyes or nose
  • Catching noisier or faster breathing, especially at rest
  • Limping or other mobility changes
  • Making a note of increased or decreased drinking 
  • Changes in how the eyes look
  • Differences in the color of your pet’s gums and other mucous membranes

Knowing what is normal for your pet can be the key in recognizing when something is abnormal, even when it is not so obvious. 

Our Best Sick Pet Tips 

So what is a pet owner to do if they think that their dog might be sick? Our staff’s favorite sick pet tips will help to make sure that you act appropriately any time your canine companion isn’t themselves. 

If you think that your pet might be sick:

  • Pay close attention to what and how much they are eating
  • Make notes about any odd happenings like vomiting, behavioral changes, etc. 
  • Be sure to note details about vomit, diarrhea, or other gross happenings
  • Resist the temptation to give any over the counter medications or try home remedies (this can be dangerous at worst and interfere with treatment or diagnosis at best)
  • Have a contingency plan—know when and where you will take your pet should things worsen

Perhaps the most valuable sick pet tip, though, is to advocate for yourself and your furry friend. You know your pet better than anyone else, and if you think that something isn’t right, it probably isn’t. Don’t hesitate to request an appointment to have your pet checked out if something seems off. Oftentimes quick action can make a big difference in outcomes for your pet.